thanks for stopping by :) it means a lot
  • Help Maisa & her family survive in Gaza
  • Help Maisa & her family survive in Gaza
  • Help Maisa & her family survive in Gaza
  • Help Maisa & her family survive in Gaza

Help Maisa & her family survive in Gaza

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Hello I'm Carla, an artist from so-called australia. You may be seeing this link because my friend Farah is advocating for her sister Maisa in Gaza. Gofundme has frozen their account and they have no means of accessing the money raised there right now. It's November 1st as I write this and we hope the account is reactivated in the next week or so. You have been redirected here for now to send through whatever you can!

Please select whichever option you can afford, and feel free to add multiple quantities to create a custom amount. 100% of money raised will go direct to Maisa & her family, I have already sent them over $5,000 AUD thanks to sales from this shop. Please help this family continue to survive, they have only had access to the money I've sent them in the last week or so. 

To say thanks:

I have some posters available for download by Lebanese artist: Salwa Osman

These posters print up to A3, if you would like them larger please contact me for vector files. Please do not sell these designs - they're all the property of Salwa Osman.  

About the artist:

"My name is Salwa Osman and I am a first-gen Lebanese Australian graphic artist. Specialising in not-for-profit and Arabic design, I aim to weave cultural threads into visual tales of altruism. Beyond pixels, I adore my cats Max and Dawson and love fiddling around the garden or in the kitchen. My art is a bridge connecting worlds, echoing the vibrant tapestry of my Lebanese roots and my gratitude of living in Naarm/Melbourne."

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Yasasri Jayasuriya
A worthy and important cause

They’re the best!

Michael Nix
